“Living Water 活水”
From March 15th, 2020
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English 中文翻譯
[Jesus Walks Through Samaria] [耶穌路過撒馬利亞]
It was a blazing hot day in the dry desert land of the West Bank. 那天在西岸乾旱的沙漠地帶,天氣非常炎熱。
In Biblical times, that area was called Samaria. 在聖經時代,那個地方被稱為撒瑪利亞。
Samaria was the capital of northern Israel after the Holy Land was divided into two kingdoms after the death of King Solomon. 所羅門王去世後,聖地被分為兩個王國,撒瑪利亞是北國以色列的首都。
The southern kingdom, Judah, later called Judea, became the predominant location of our biblical story. 南國猶大(後來被稱為猶太)成為我們聖經故事的主要地點。
We are told that many foreigners moved into the land of northern Israel in the centuries before Christ, and the traditional religion became mixed with the religion of these foreigners, which caused an even greater division between south and north. 據說,在基督誕生的幾個世紀以前、有許多外來人進入了北國以色列,這些外來移民的信仰與當地的傳統宗教混雜,因而造成了南、北更明顯的分歧。
By the time of Jesus, Jews from the southern kingdom of Judah and from Galilee were very much estranged from the citizens of Samaria. 到了耶穌的年代,南國的猶太人和加利利的猶大人、已經與撒瑪利亞居民相當疏遠。
Their centers of worship were different, and the ideas of God of the Samaritans were somewhat different from those the people of Judah and Galilee considered essential. 他們敬拜的對象不同,撒瑪利亞人對上帝的觀念、與猶大人及加利利的人眼中的上帝也不一樣。
The temple in Jerusalem was considered the religious center by Judaeans and Galileans, but the Samaritans considered Mt. Gerizim to be the most sacred place. 猶太人和加利利人將耶路撒冷的聖殿視為宗教中心,但撒瑪利亞人則將Mt. Gerisim視為聖地。
Also, the Samaritans only recognized the first 5 books of the Bible as being sacred scripture, whereas the Jews of the southern kingdom also include the prophets, the psalms, and the wisdom literature in their scripture, which has also become ours. 此外,撒瑪利亞人只承認聖經的前五本書是神聖的經文,但南國猶太人的聖典則涵括先知書,詩篇及智慧書,之後也編列在我們的聖經裡。
So there was suspicion and even hostility between the two nations. 從那時起兩國之間就對彼此懷有猜忌與敵意。
Jews did not associate with Samaritans when it could be avoided. 猶太人在可以避免的情況下、是不會與撒瑪利亞人往來的。
Jesus had been in Jerusalem with his disciples for the Passover celebration. 耶穌剛和他的門徒在耶路撒冷過了逾越節。
He had also caused quite an uproar in the Temple when he drove the money changers and the people selling animals to sacrifice out of the Temple court with a whip! 那時他已經在聖殿引起了軒然大波,因為他用鞭子把換錢的、跟賣動物作祭品的、都趕出聖殿的院子。
Following the festival, they moved out into the countryside where Jesus taught and, we read, performed some signs. 逾越節以後,他們去到野地,在那裡耶穌教導他們,同時,我們讀到,他也行了一些神蹟。
But, word of all these activities spread to the Pharisees, who seemed to be becoming concerned about all the people who were becoming disciples of Jesus. 但是,有關這些事跡的話、傳到了法利賽人的耳中時,法利賽人就開始擔心、所有人成為耶穌的門徒。
When Jesus heard this, he decided to go back to Galilee. 所以在耶穌聽到這個消息以後,他就決定回去加利利。
As Jesus was traveling from Judea back to Galilee, he and his disciples passed through Samaria, since it was the shortest route. 從猶大回到加利利的路途中,耶穌他和他的門徒行經過撒瑪利亞,因為那是最短的路線。
About noon of that day, they came to the Samaritan town of Sychar. 那天中午,他們來到了撒瑪利亞的敘加鎮。
A very famous landmark, known as Jacob’s Well for centuries, is there, and Jesus decided to sit down by the well while his disciples went into the town to buy food. 那裡有一個有名的地標,叫雅各井,已有數百年歷史。 耶穌決定坐在井旁,讓門徒們去鎮上買食物。
Jesus was very tired, the gospel writer says. 福音書作者說,耶穌非常疲倦。
[Jesus Encounters a Samaritan Woman] [耶穌與撒瑪利亞婦人的相遇]
After a while, a woman came to draw some water from the well. 不久後,一個女人來到這個井來打水。
It was an unusual time for her to come. 她這時間來是不太合乎常情的。
Usually, women came in the early morning or early evening, when it was cooler. 因為一般的婦女都是在清晨或傍晚,天氣比較涼爽時才會來。
It created an awkward situation. 這原因使得情況有些尷尬。
Jews and Samaritans normally didn’t even speak to one another. 一般而言,猶太人和撒瑪利亞人甚至是不說話的。
Furthermore, decent Jewish men did not normally speak to women in public. 更何況,一般猶太男人也不會在公共場合與女人交談。
But Jesus was not one to let customs or prejudices stand in his way. 但是耶穌不會讓風俗習慣或成見、改變他的作為。
Also, I like to imagine that Jesus saw that there was something unusual about this woman, even more than the fact that she was a Samaritan. 另外,先別說她是個撒瑪利亞人,我覺得耶穌應該也察覺到這個女人與一般女人有所不同。
She was there alone, in the heat of the day, to get water. 在炎熱當頭的大白天,她居然一個人來打水。
I am imagining too that she was not full of joy and confidence in this encounter. 我想這個女人對於會在井邊遇到人、可能也不是很開心。
She could have felt she could be in some danger. 她可能會覺得自己處於危險邊緣。
[Jesus Enters Into Meaningful Dialogue With the Woman] [耶穌與女人的深入對談]
But Jesus finds a way to put her at ease by asking her to use her water jug to get him a drink of water. 但是,耶穌想了一個辦法讓她放鬆,就是先請求她用她的水罐打水給他喝。,
The woman is amazed, but not frightened. 雖然女人有些驚訝,但是她並不害怕。
She can’t believe a Jew, who looks down on Samaritans, is asking her, a Samaritan, for a drink of water! 只是她無法相信一個瞧不起撒瑪利亞人的猶太人、居然會要她這個撒瑪利亞人打水給他喝!
And I’m not sure she would have been willing to give it, without the interchange that followed. 我不確定、如果他們中間沒有接下來的對話,她是否會打水給耶穌喝。
We have all been made aware of the dangers of close contact lately with the coronavirus making its way around the world. 最近,我們都知道冠狀病毒、正是因為近身接觸才有辦法傳染出去、蔓延到世界各地。
People in Jesus’ time didn’t know about bacteria or viruses, but they did know about class and about prejudice. 在耶穌那個時代,人們也許不知道什麼是細菌或病毒,但他們卻了解階級與偏見。
Jews and Samaritans would not readily share cups or utensils with one another! 因此猶太人和撒瑪利亞人是絕對不會共用器皿的!
I think back to my own childhood, when there were two water fountains at schools and other places. 我回想起自己的童年,那時在學校和其他地方、都有兩個飲水機。
One for “whites” and one for “coloreds.” This was based purely on prejudice, not any scientific assessment of greater danger. 一個代表“白人”,另一個代表“有色人種”。這純粹是基於偏見,而不是根據任何科學所評估出的危害。
But Jesus cuts through the prejudice and hints at who he is. 但是耶穌化解了她的成見,並且對她暗示他的真實身份
He says that he could give HER “living water.” At that time, “living water” meant water that was running, like from a spring or a river, seen as being more healthy than “still water.” And it was, generally, less likely to be contaminated or polluted if it was running freely, exposed to the cleansing effects of sunlight and air. 他說他可以給她“活水”。 就那時的說法,“活水”指的是流動的水,就像是泉水或河水,流動的水比“死水”健康,意思是流動的水可流動,暴露在陽光和空氣的清潔作用下比較不會受到污染或感染。
[The Samaritan Woman Responds] [撒瑪利亞婦人的回應]
The woman answers Jesus with both courage and some pride in her OWN heritage. 因為自己的背景,女人帶著勇氣與一點傲氣回答說:
“Sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. “先生,你沒有打水的器具,井又深,”
Where do you get that living water? 你哪裏去取活水呢?
12 Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us the well, and with his sons and his flocks drank from it?” 13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” At that point the woman is definitely intrigued, but can see no further than, “Great, I won’t have to walk all this way to this well to draw water every day any more!” 12 我們的祖先雅各給我們這口井;他、他的兒女,和他的牲畜都喝這口井的水。難道你自以為比他還大嗎?」” 13 耶穌回答:「喝了這水的人還會再渴;但是,誰喝了我所給的水,誰就永遠不再渴。” 在那個時候,這個女人一定有什麼計畫,而無法理解真正含意地,說:“太好了!我就可以不必每天、走這麼遠的路來這兒取水了!”
[Jesus Calls the Woman to New Life] [耶穌呼召女人重享新生命]
But Jesus wanted to give her much more than that. 但是耶穌想給她更多。
He saw her as much more than a second class citizen, good only for what she could provide by the work of her body for whatever man would choose to take advantage of it. 在耶穌的眼中,她不是次等公民,不是一個僅能賣身謀生的女人。
So Jesus escalates his challenge to her. 因此,耶穌就對她提出更深一層的挑戰。
He calls attention to her status as the wife of 5 former husbands who have either died or left her, forcing her to “live in sin” with a man who is NOT her husband. 他引起她的注意,提到她的五個前夫不是死了就是拋棄她了,現在她還被迫跟一個不是丈夫的一起生活。
She is amazed that he knows this, but enough has taken place in their dialogue to show her that his intention is not to embarrass her or to accuse her, much less to harm her, and she concludes that Jesus must be a prophet. 她對於他知道這些事感到驚訝,這也足夠讓她明白、耶穌的意圖不是要讓她難堪、或者要指責她,更不是要傷害她,她得出的結論是、耶穌一定是先知。
In spite of their differences of background, in spite of her less than admirable history and living situation, something very real and powerful takes place between Jesus and the woman at Jacob’s Well. 儘管他們的背景不同,儘管她的過往生活不如人意,但在雅各井旁耶穌和這個女人之間、一件真實有意義的事發生。
She has become open to learning from this strange Jewish traveler, and mentions one of the key differences between their peoples. 她開始向這位陌生的猶太旅行者討教,她提到了兩國人民、主要的差異。
What is the proper place to worship? 哪兒才是敬拜的正確地點?
Is it in Jerusalem like your people believe? 是你們人民所相信的耶路撒冷嗎?
My people believe it is here, on this very mountain. 不過我的人民相信應該是在這兒,就在這座高山上。
I think she really wanted to know what he thought. 我想她是真的很想知道耶穌的想法。
She was obviously a woman who tended to think for herself, rather than accepting the word of the authority figures. 她顯然是一個有思考能力,不會隨便相信權威的人。
[Jesus Doesn’t Share Our Prejudices or Petty Arguments] [耶穌不認同我們的偏見或爭執]
Jesus surprises her again and refuses to take sides in the religious disagreement, and tells her that God is a Spirit, and therefore is not confined to any particular place. 耶穌又再次使她驚訝,耶穌不評論她所提到的宗教分歧,反而並告訴她上帝是聖靈,並不會局限於特定的地方。
And this God wants “true worshippers,” people who will worship him in spirit and in truth. 上帝要的是“真正的敬拜者”,是用靈性和真理敬拜他的人。
Then he takes the extraordinary step of telling her specifically that he is the Messiah, the Christ! 然後,他用了不尋常的方法、直接了當地告訴她,他就是彌賽亞,基督!
At this point the disciples come back, surprised that he has been talking to a Samaritan woman. 就在這時,門徒們回來了,他們很驚訝耶穌居然、一直和一個撒瑪利亞婦人說話。
The woman, meanwhile, leaves her water jug and runs to tell people about Jesus. 同時,女人拋下了水罐,奔向她的族人、告知耶穌的身份。
Those people, looked down upon by the Jews who considered themselves the true people of God, surprisingly ran to meet Jesus on the word of this less than perfect woman, and became believers as well! 那些族人聽到這個女人說的話,就都驚喜若狂地跑到耶穌那裡,並成為信徒! 要知道這些人、是被自以為是上帝真實子孫的猶太人所鄙視的。
God doesn’t need for us to be perfect or to have perfect lives. 上帝不需要我們變得完美、或擁有完美的生活。
He just wants us to meet Jesus, to listen to him, and God will take it from there. 上帝只要我們遇見耶穌,聽從他說的話。 在之後上帝就會帶領我們。
[What This Story Tells Us About Jesus] [這個故事的啟示]
This is just one of many examples of Jesus reaching out to people that are NOT necessarily the most respected or the most successful to take his message of the grace of God to all the rest of us outcasts. 這只是耶穌伸走向群眾的眾多例子之一,耶穌不必一定要藉著最受尊敬或最成功的人、來傳揚上帝的恩典。
He is able to take each one of us just as we are, to give us a drink of the living waters of the Holy Spirit, and to let the Spirit transform us into much more than we ever expected to be. 他能夠照我們本相接納我們,賜給我們聖靈的活水,讓聖靈更新我們成為更好,遠超過我們的預期。
I can’t help but wonder what happened to her, this woman of the Samaritan town of Sychar, and to the other people from the town who met Jesus that day. 我禁不住地想知道、那天在撒瑪利亞的敘加鎮的這個女人、以及那天遇見耶穌的人、最後都怎麼樣了。
Supposedly they were not the true children of God, and did not worship the TRUE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or at least did not worship in the right way or in the right place. 我們可以辯說他們不是上帝的子孫,不敬拜亞伯拉罕,以撒和雅各的真神,或者說他們沒有以正確的方式、在正確的地方敬拜神。
Yet when they met Jesus, and he spoke to them, they believed him. 但是,當他們遇到耶穌,耶穌對他們講道以後,他們就都相信他了。
I wonder what happened to them after the Resurrection. 我納悶這些人在耶穌復活之後會如何。
I wonder whether they were included among the other disciples, and the people who received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 我納悶這些人會不會也站在其他門徒當中,或者也在五旬節接受聖靈的人當中。
I wonder whether James and Peter and Paul and John and even Mary Magdalene, and Martha, and Mary of Bethany welcomed them as part of the same community of Jesus, as fellow travelers on the way. 我納悶雅各、彼得、保羅、約翰,甚至是抹大拉的馬利亞、馬大、和伯大尼的馬利亞、是否都歡迎這些人、一同成為跟隨耶穌的門徒。
I hope so. 但願如此。
[Where We Tend to Make Mistakes] [我們可能犯錯的地方]
We human beings are so quick to make distinctions between us and other people. 我們傾向快快地將人分成兩邊:你一邊我一邊
Sometimes we feel we are better than that person, sometimes we feel we are worse. 有時我們覺得自己比那個人好,有時我們覺得我們比較糟糕。
But both those judgments miss the mark of belonging to the body of Christ because we are seeing others in relationship to ourselves, not as a precious part of the body of Christ. 但是,這種比較、都忽略了我們其實都是基督的肢體,因為我們看重別人與自己的關係,而輕忽身為基督肢體的寶貴。
In I Corinthians 12, Paul makes this very clear for us. 保羅在哥林多前書12章中說得很清楚。
“15 If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. “ 15 如果腳說:「我不是手,所以不屬於身體」,它不能因此就不是身體的一部分。
16 And if the ear would say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body….21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and those members of the body that we think less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our less respectable members are treated with greater respect; 24 whereas our more respectable members do not need this.” 16 如果耳朵說:「我不是眼睛,所以不屬於身體」,它也不能因此就不是身體的一部分。……。21 所以,眼睛不能對手說:「我不需要你!」頭也不能對腳說:「我用不著你!」 22 相反地,身體上那些似乎比較軟弱的肢體,更是我們所不能缺少的。 23 在我們的身體上,那些看來不太重要的部分,卻是我們所特別愛護的;那些不太好看的部分尤其為我們所關注, 24 那些比較美觀的部分就不需要特別加以裝飾。上帝這樣安置我們身體的各部分,把更大的光榮分給那些比較不美觀的肢體,”
It is true that if we think we are better than others, we are wrong. 的確,如果我們自認比別人好,那是錯的。
If we think we are worse or less important than others, we are wrong too. 但如果我們認為自己比其他人更糟或更不重要,那也是錯的。
Because God has made, loved, saved, and called each one of us to be a part of the family. 因為上帝創造,愛護,拯救、並呼召我們每個人、成為主內家庭的一份子
No loving parent would say that one child is more important than another. 沒有一個父母會說哪個孩子比另一個孩子更重要。
Even less would God, our loving Father, say that. 我們親愛的上帝更不會說這樣的話
[God’s Love: Without Conditions] [上帝的愛:無條件的愛]
So as we reflect on ourselves and our lives and our faith during this season of Lent, let us keep in mind always that God loves us without conditions. 因此,當我們在大齋節期、自我反省自己的生命、信仰時,讓我們始終牢記上帝無條件地愛我們。
We can neither earn nor deserve God’s love. 我們既不能賺得也不配得上帝的愛。
And “we can never fall below or outside the web of divine love pervading the whole cosmos.” (Marjorie Thompson, Forgiveness, pp. 而且,“我們永遠不能脫離那個、瀰漫在整個宇宙的神聖之愛。” (Marjorie Thompson,寬恕,13-14頁
Let us pray that we can take this gift fully into ourselves during this Lenten season and let go of the need to be constantly measuring ourselves against others. 讓我們禱告,在大齋節期,我們可以完全接受上帝的愛,不再不斷地把自己跟他人比較。
Let us pray also that we can respond to Jesus as quickly and as openly as this Samaritan woman by Jacob’s Well. 也讓我們禱告、可以像雅各井邊的撒瑪利亞女人一樣、快速敞開心胸地回應耶穌的呼召。
Thanks be to God. 感謝上帝。
Amen 阿門