Bulletin 週報消息-06112017

  1. Today we welcome Rev. Dr. Paul Reiter, for delivering the message. He is the former Presbyter at our Presbytery now serving at First Presbyterian Church in Kirkwood as Spiritual Director in Residence.
  2. The CPTPC’s retreat will conclude today in Earlham University in Indiana. We thank our young adults for serving in the Praise and Worship team there.
  3. Due to the CPTPC joint retreat, we will not have Sunday school or lunch today.
  4. National Asian Presbyterian Church’s annual conference is at Wash U from July 5th-6th and Big Tent from July 6th-8th. Brothers and Sisters are encouraged to attend.
  1. 本主日歡迎Paul Reiter牧師傳講信息,Reiter牧師曾擔任本中會的總幹事,現擔任Kirkwood 第一長老會駐堂屬靈指導者。
  2. 中原區台灣教會聯合靈修會從上週五起至本主日中午止在印第安納州之Earlham大學舉行,本會華語社青團契在會中擔任敬拜讚美的服事。
  3. 本主日因中原區聯合靈修會之故,主日學與愛餐將暫停。
  4. 美國長老會全國亞洲事工年會與Big tent講習會從六月五日至八日在華盛頓大學舉行,歡迎兄姐們參加。