Bulletin 週報消息-07022017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
  2. Today we observe our Lord’s table commemorating Jesus dying on the cross for our salvation.
  3. Today we start the 4 Baptism classes for those who will be Baptized.
  4. The Young Family Fellowship prayer meeting will meet July 6th at 7:30.
  5. The Young Families and English ministry fellowships will meet this Saturday (8th) for their Potluck and Bible study at the church from 5-8pm.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日,紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
  2. 本主日恭守聖餐紀念耶穌基督在十字架上為我們的罪犧牲流血的救贖功勞。
  3. 從本主日起將開始四個洗禮班的課程,欲參加兄姐請與紀牧師聯絡。
  4. 年輕家庭團契禱告會本週四(6日)7:30pm起舉行。
  5. 年輕家庭團契與英語團契將於本週六5-8pm在教會舉行potluck 聚餐與聚會,歡迎兄姐們參加