Bulletin 週報消息-08062017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
  2. Today we observe our Lord’s table commemorating Jesus dying on the cross for our salvation.
  3. The Children’s Ministry will have a parents meeting after lunch at 1:15 today. Teachers and parents please attend.
  4. The Young Families and English ministry fellowships will meet this Saturday (12th) for their Potluck and Bible study at the church from 5-8pm.
  5. The Session’s budget meeting will be August 20th. Each ministry please submit the budget proposal by August 13th to the clerk of the session.
  6. The Young Adults New Student Welcoming Party will be on August 25th at the First Church. If Brothers and Sisters could help bring dessert please contact YMA leader.
  7. TCCCNA’s meeting this year will be in Baltimore, Maryland from Oct. 3rd-7th. The registration forms are on the fellowship hall table.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日,紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
  2. 本主日恭守聖餐,紀念耶穌基督在十字架上的贖罪功勞。
  3. 本主日愛餐後1:15pm將舉行兒童事工家長會議,請老師與家長參加。
  4. 年輕家庭團契與英語團契將於本週六(12日)5:00-8:00pm在教會舉行potluck聚餐與聚會,歡迎兄姐們參加。
  5. 小會將於8月20日(日)舉行明年度教會預算會議,請各事工部門將明年事工預算於8月13日(日)之前交小會書記。
  6. 本會將於8月25日(五)於第一教會舉行新生迎新會,可以幚忙準備甜點的兄姐請與華語社青主席聯絡。
  7. 北美教協年會及神學研究會10月3-7日將於巴城中華基督教會舉行,報名表於交誼廰桌上。