Bulletin 週報消息-08132017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Taiwanese every 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Mandarin translation will be provided on the ear sets.
  2. The Children’s Sunday school promotion is today. May God bless all these children in their walk with the Lord.
  3. The Session’s budget meeting will be next Sunday the 20th. Each ministry please submit the budget proposal by today to the clerk of the session.
  4. The 4 Baptism classes start today for those who will receive Baptism.
  5. TCCCNA’s meeting this year will be in Baltimore, Maryland from Oct. 3rd-7th. The registration forms are on the fellowship hall table.
  6. The Young Adults New Student Welcoming Party will be on August 25th at the First Church (7200 Delmar blvd.; reception starts 6:30 pm). If Brothers and Sisters could help bring dessert please contact MYA lead.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第二,四主日,紀牧師以台語傳講信息,並提供無線耳機華語翻譯。
  2. 本主日舉行兒童主日學昇班儀式,願神祝福他們與主的同行。
  3. 小會將於下主日舉行明年度教會預算會議,請各事工部門將明年度事工預算於今日前提交小會書記。
  4. 本主日起將再開始四個洗禮班的課程,欲參加的兄姐請與紀牧師聯絡。
  5. 北美教學年會及神學研究會10月3-7日將於巴城中華基督教會舉行,報名表於交誼廳桌上,歡迎兄姐們報名參加。
  6. 本會將於 8 月 25 日(五) 於第一教會舉行新生迎新會 (7200 Delmar blvd.; 6:30pm 提供晚餐)。 請可幫忙準備甜點的兄姊與華語社青主席聯絡。