Bulletin 週報消息-09172017

  1. Today we welcome Dr. Robert Miller for delivering the message. He is the Vice President Emeritus of Grace School of Theology in Houston, Texas.
  2. Every Sunday from 9:10-9:55 am, we provide power breakfast for Brothers and Sisters for a time of fellowship including hard boiled eggs, pickled cucumbers, and coffee.
  3. The Young Families Fellowship meeting will meet this Saturday (23rd) at the church from 5-8pm.
  4. The Mandarin Young adult Fellowship group will go apple picking next Saturday (30th). Everyone is welcome to join.
  5. TCCCNA’s meeting this year will be in Baltimore, Maryland from Oct. 3rd-7th. The registration forms are on the fellowship hall table.
  6. Brothers and Sisters are welcome to use our church website for daily devotions or listen to Pastor’s sermons at www.stltpc.org
  7. Pastor Chi will be on vacation from Sept. 11-18th. During Pastor’s absence regarding Church matters, please contact Clerk of the Session Elder.
  1. 本主日歡迎休士頓恩惠神學院名譽副院長Dr. Robert Miller 傳講信息。
  2. 本會每主日9:10-9:55am關懷組預備活力早餐包括水煮蛋,小黃瓜,熱咖啡,供兄姐們享用交誼。
  3. 年輕家庭團契於本週六(23日) 5-8pm於教會舉行聚會,歡迎年輕家庭參加。
  4. 華語社青團契將於下週六(30日)舉行野外採蘋果活動,歡迎社青朋友參加。
  5. 北美教協年會及神學研究會10月3-7日將於巴城中華基督教會舉行,報名表於交誼廳桌上。
  6. 歡迎兄姐們瀏覽本會網站所提供之教會活動,每日靈修,牧師講道等各種的資訊:www.stltpc.org。
  7. 9月11-18紀牧師休假,有關教會事宜請與小會書記長老聯絡。