Bulletin 週報消息-10292017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
  2. Praise the Lord, Brother Chao Lu is getting baptized today to be a part of God’s family. May God bless his spiritual journey.
  3. The Board of Deacons meeting will be held today after lunch at 1:15pm.
  4. We will start a new Baptism class today. Those who will receive baptism will need to take 4 bap-tism classes.
  5. Daylight savings time ends next Sunday (Nov. 5th). This Saturday remember to put your clocks one hour backward.
  6. Please prepare your heart to observe our Lord’s Ta-ble next Sunday.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日,紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
  2. 感謝主本主日呂超第兄接受洗禮成為神的兒女,願神祝福他前面屬靈的路程。
  3. 本主日愛餐後1:15pm將舉行定期執事會議。
  4. 本主日將開始新的洗禮班,欲接受洗禮的兄姐需上四個洗禮課程。
  5. 下主日(11月5日)將結束日光節約時間, 請記住在本週六午夜十二時將時鐘撥慢一小時。
  6. 請兄姐們準備心下主日恭守聖餐。