Bulletin 週報消息-11262017

  1. Due to Thanksgiving we will have combined service today. Pas-tor Chi will deliver the message in Taiwanese and there will be Mandarin translation through the wireless headsets.
  2. The Sunday School children will visit Bethesda Meadow nursing home this Saturday (2nd). Please arrive at 10 am. The children will give out Christmas cards and sing.
  3. The Education board will hold a coming youth ministry workshop on Dec. 2nd (Sat) from 1-4:30pm. All parents are encouraged to attend.
  4. The Board of Deacons and Session’s coordination meeting will be on Dec. 3rd (Sunday) at 2pm.
  5. Our Church will have an outreach program before Christmas. The Christmas worship and celebration will be on Dec. 24th (Sunday). Every fellowship please start preparing your programs for the Christmas.


  1. 本主日因感恩節本會舉行聯合禮拜,紀牧師將以台語傳講信息並提供無線耳機華語翻譯。
  2. 本會兒童主日學將於本週六(2日)10:10am至Bethesda Meadow養老院歌唱並贈送主日學手工製作的聖誕卡片。
  3. 本會教育組將於12月2日(六)1 – 4:30pm起至四時半將於教會舉行青年事工籌劃會議,請父母們踴躍參加。
  4. 12月3日(日) 2pm 起將舉行小會與執事會之協調會議。
  5. 本會於聖誕節前將舉行社區服務活動,並於12月24日(主日)舉行聖誕禮拜與慶祝會,請教會各團契,主日學開始準備慶祝節目。