Bulletin 週報消息-12172017
Posted on December 17th , 2017
- Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
- The Board of Deacons will hold their meeting today after lunch at 1:30pm.
- Christmas Worship and Celebration will be next Sunday (24th) starting at 10am and conclude with lunch. Please invite your friends and family to attend.
- Every Sunday from 9:10-9:55 am, we provide power breakfast for Brothers and Sisters for a time of fellowship including hard boiled eggs, pickled cucumbers, and coffee.
- Brothers and Sisters are encouraged to attend Sunday morning prayer from 9-9:30am.
- Thank you Brothers and Sisters for helping with the indoor cleaning and helping decorate for the Christmas Celebration last Sunday.
- 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
- 執事會將於本主日愛餐後1:15pm舉行執事會議。
- 本會將於下主日10 am起舉行聖誕禮拜與慶祝會,以及聖誕聚餐,請兄姐們邀請親友參加。
- 本會每主日9:10-9:55am關懷主預備活力早餐包括水煮蛋,小黃瓜與熱咖啡供兄姐們享用交誼。
- 請兄姐們踴躍參加每主日早上9:00-9:30之禱告會。
- 謝謝兄姐們上主日協助教堂室內清潔以及聖誕之佈置。