Sermon Translation Weekly Bulletin Golden Verse & Action Rotation Schedule
2025年度教會主題: 互相結連,結出果子
This Sunday, the in-person Sunday worship service and online live broadcast will begin at 10 a.m. CST.
講道經文 / Sermon Scripture: 約翰福音 John 3:1-21
周報消息 Weekly Announcement
今年的Round Table 將於三月8日早上九點30分在教會舉行。請所有長老執事預留時間參加。
In today’s Mandarin Sunday School, Elder Shawn will lead “The Journey of Exploring Revelation 17: Chapter 12 of Revelation”.
The church will be taking down the Christmas decorations after lunch today. Brothers and sisters are invited to serve together. May the Lord bless you!
The Round Table for this year will be held at church on March 8th 9:30am. All Elders and Deacons please prepare to attend.
To download English and Chinese translations of the sermon, please visit the webpage: