“你要痊癒嗎? Do You Want to Be Whole?”
From March 8th, 2025
Sermon Translation Weekly Bulletin Golden Verse & Action Rotation Schedule

This Sunday, the in-person Sunday worship service and online live broadcast will begin at 10 a.m. CST.

講道經文 / Sermon Scripture: 約翰福音 John 5:1-14

周報消息 Weekly Announcement

  1. 今天下午一點半將舉行小會。請所有小會會員參加。請所有兄姊為會議代禱。

  2. 三月十三日星期四晚上七點半將舉行線上執事會,請所有現任執事參加。請兄姐為會議代禱。

  3. 為傳福音給社區和促進教會肢體生活的慶祝復活節福音性遊戲活動,將在復活節當天 (4/20) 的主日崇拜後的11-12:30舉行。已有5項福音性遊戲。請各位主内兄姊,繼續集思廣益提供更多福音性遊戲,踴躍報名作當天照顧遊戲的同工,或邀請慕道或已信主的朋友和家庭參加。若有任何問題或需要幫助,請和吳牧師或秀安長老連絡。

  4. 藍也君(Alvin)弟兄將於三月16日提供物理治療服務。有興趣的兄姊請報名。

  5. 兄姐如有需中英對照翻譯的講道稿,請在此下載http://sermon.stltpc.org/20250309.pdf

  1. There will be a Session meeting this afternoon at 1:30. All session members please attend. All brother and sisters please pray for the meeting.

  2. On March 13 Thursday 7:30 PM there will be an online BOD meeting. All active deacons please attend. Brothers and sisters please pray for the meeting.

  3. To outreach the community and promote the life of the church, the Easter Gospel Games Event will be held from 11 to 12:30 after the Sunday service on Easter Sunday, April 20th. We already had 5 games. Please every brother and sister in Christ continue brainstorming to provide more Gospel games, sign up as coworkers to take care of the games in the event, or invite friends and families who are seekers or believers. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Paster Wu or Elder Shawn.

  4. Brother Alvin Lan will provide physical therapy services on March 16. Those interested please sign up accordingly.

  5. To download English and Chinese translations of the sermon, please  visit the webpage: http://sermon.stltpc.org/20250309.pdf

2025年度教會主題: 互相結連,結出果子
Connected Together, Bearing Fruit