- 經文 / Scripture: 創世記 Genesis 28:10-22; 35:1-4
- 講道人 / Preaching: 陳慧文 Rev. Lucie Chen
- 司會 / Liturgist: 郝宇 Yu Hao
- 投影片 / Slides: 彭義傑 EJ Perng
- 司琴 / Pianist: 兒/青少有志 Youth Group
- 週報 / Bulletin: 吳岳松 Jonathan Wu
- 翻譯 / Interpreter: 洪毓鴻 Yu-Hung Hung
- 聖詩準備 / Hymn: Linda/[蘇希三 Tony Su]
- 敬拜讚美 / Praise Worship: 古珉和 Min-Ho Ku
Sermon Translation Weekly Bulletin Golden Verse & Action
This Sunday worship service will start at 10 a.m. CT, and will be broadcast live on the YouTube platform