Sermon Translation Weekly Bulletin Golden Verse & Action
2025年度教會主題: 互相結連,結出果子
This is the first Sunday of this month, the in-person worship (no live stream) starts at 10 a.m. CST.
講道經文 / Sermon Scripture: 約翰福音 John 1:35-51
周報消息 Weekly Announcement
今天華語的主日學,秀安長老將帶領「探索啓示錄之旅十六:啓示錄 啓示錄第十和十一章」。我們正進入啓示錄的後半部,讓我們互相鼓勵堅持到底至八月。目前規劃在九月開始「探索羅馬書之旅」。
教會將於2/16 愛餐後,要拆除聖誕佈置,邀請兄姐們一起同心服事,願主祝福大家的擺上!
In today’s Mandarin Sunday School, Elder Shawn will lead “The Journey of Exploring Revelation 16: Chapters 10 and 11 of Revelation”. We are going to study the second half of Revelation. Let’s encourage each other to persevere to the end of this study until August. The current plan is to start “The Journey of Exploring Romans” in September.
The church will be taking down the Christmas decorations after lunch on 2/16. Brothers and sisters are invited to serve together. May the Lord bless you!
To download English and Chinese translations of the sermon, please visit the webpage: