Harvest/Trunk or Treat

Event Starts @ 4:30 pm

  • 內容 Content: 豐收節活動 HARVEST / Trunk or TREAT

  • 時間 Time: 10/26, 4:30 pm

  • 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

各位弟兄姊妹們 平安,本會將在10月26日星期六4:30 – 8:00pm在教會舉辦HARVEST / Trunk or TREAT!


We will have our HARVEST/Trunk or TREAT for the kids on Oct. 26th Saturday 4:30 – 8:00 pm at our church!

Come dressed in your costumes! Adults are welcome to dress up too! We encourage everyone to dress up as a positive costume, instead of depict horror characters, or be scary. Feel free to get creative and decorate your trunk. Also, bring a nut-free candy/snack or something to pass out from your trunk. If you want to, you can play a mini-game with the kids before giving the candies to them. Hope to see you all there.

主日實體聚會取消 No In-Person Service on Sunday (01/05/2025)

The weather forecast for Sunday (1/5) is snow and sleet. Considering everyone’s safety, Sunday worship service will be online.