Church News & Announcements 教會及社區最新動態

Bulletin 周報消息

Bulletin 週報消息-04232017

  1. Today is the 4th Sunday and there will be separate worship. Taiwanese worship at 10am and English worship at 11:30am.
  2. The search for the new Children’s Ministry Director will close this Wednesday (26th). Those who want to apply for the position please submit your application as soon as possible.
  3. CPTPC’s retreat registration forms are on the Fellowship hall table. Please return the forms to Elder Puliusz.
  4. The Board of Deacons will meet next Sunday (30th) after lunch at 1:15pm. The Session will meet at 2pm.
  5. The Presbytery meeting will be held this Thursday (27th) at 1pm at LoveJoy United Presbyterian Church in Wood River, Illinois.
  1. 本主日是每月第四主日,本會舉行分堂禮拜,台語堂10:00am起禮拜,英語堂11:30am起禮拜。
  2. 幼少事工主任的申請收件至本週三截止,請有意願申請的兄姐盡速將履歷表聚到STLTPC.Search@。
  3. 今年中原區台灣教會聯合靈修會將於6月9至11日在印第安納州之Earlham 大學舉行,現已開始報名,報名表在交誼廳桌上,請兄姐們踴躍報名。
  4. 下主日愛餐後1:15pm將舉行定期執事會,2pm將舉行定期小會。
  5. 本週四(27日)1pm起將於尹卅之Wood River 市LoveJoy聯合長老教會舉行中會會議。