Church News & Announcements 教會及社區最新動態

Bulletin 周報消息

Bulletin 週報消息-05142017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Taiwanese every 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Mandarin translation will be provided on the ear sets.
  2. Happy Mother’s Day! Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. We ask God to bless all the Mothers and the families.
  3. Next Sunday (21st) after lunch will be outdoor cleaning and maintainece. Everyone please stay and help.
  4. The CPTPC’s retreat registration forms are on the Fellowship hall table. Please return the forms to Elder Puliusz.
  5. Brothers and Sisters please also continue to contribute to the General Medical Fund so we can care for those who are in need in our congregation.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第二,四主日,紀牧師以台語傳講信息,並提供無線耳機華語翻譯。
  2. 母親節快樂,願神祝福每一位母親與每一個家庭充滿著主的恩典與喜樂。
  3. 下主日(21日)愛餐後將舉行室外環境整理, 請兄姐們留步協助。
  4. 今年中原區台灣教會聯合靈修會將於6月9至11日在印第安納州之Earlham 大學舉行,現已開始報名,報名表在交誼廳桌上,請兄姐們踴躍報名。
  5. 請兄姐們也為本會之一般醫療基金愛心奉獻,因此可關懷需要中的兄姐。