Bulletin 週報消息-05212017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
  2. The Outdoor cleaning and maintenance assignments for this afternoon: English group: the bushes and shrubs behind the church, Young Family: playground and basketball court, Young Adults and everyone else: Church front and parking lot.
  3. The CPTPC’s retreat registration forms are on the Fellowship hall table. Please return the forms to Elder Puliusz.
  4. Brothers and Sisters please also continue to contribute to the General Medical Fund so we can care for those who are in need in our congregation.
  5. Session will meet tonight at 7pm.
  6. Pastor Chi will take vacation from May25-31st. Regarding church matters please contact clerk of the session Elder.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日,紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
  2. 本主日愛餐後將舉行室外環境大整理,工作分配如下:英文組:負責教會後面之草坪,年輕家庭團契:兒童遊樂場地與籃球場,社青團契與其他兄姐:教會前面與停車場。
  3. 今年中原區台灣教會聯合靈修會將於6月9至11日在印第安納州之Earlham大學舉行,現已開始報名,報名表在交誼廳桌上,請兄姐們踴躍報名。
  4. 請兄姐們也為本會之一般醫療基金愛心奉獻,因此可關懷需要中的兄姐。
  5. 本主日7pm起將舉行小會會議。
  6. 紀牧師從本週四至下週三(25-31日)休假,有關敎會事宜請與書記長老聯絡。