Bulletin 週報消息-05282017

  1. Today we welcome Dr. Robert Miller for delivering the message. He is the Vice President of Grace School of Theology in Houston, Texas.
  2. The Board of Deacons will meet after lunch today at 1:15pm.
  3. National Asian Presbyterian Church’s annual conference is at Wash U from July 5th-6th and Big Tent from July 6th-8th. Brothers and Sisters are encouraged to attend.
  4. The CPTPC’s retreat registration forms are on the Fellowship hall table. Please return the forms to Elder Puliusz.
  5. Thank you brothers and sisters for all the help last Sunday in our outdoor cleaning and maintenance.
  6. Please prepare your hearts to receive Holy Communion next Sunday.
  7. The Young Families and English ministry fellowships will meet this Saturday for their Potluck and Bible study at the church from 5-8pm.
  8. Pastor Chi will take the vacation from May25-31st. Regarding church matters please contact Elder Streid.
  1. 本主日歡迎德州休士頓恩惠神學院副院長Dr. Robert Miller 傳講信息。
  2. 本主日愛餐後1:15pm起將舉行執事會。
  3. 美國長老會全國亞洲事工年會與Big tent講習會從六月五日至八日在華盛頓大學舉行,歡迎兄姐們參加。
  4. 今年中原區台灣教會聯合靈修會將於6月9至11日在印第安納州之Earlham大學舉行,現已開始報名,報名表在交誼廳桌上,請兄姐們踴躍報名。
  5. 請兄姐們準備心,下主日領受聖餐。
  6. 感謝兄姐們上主日協助室外美化環境整理。
  7. 本週六(三日)5-8pm年輕家庭團契與英語團契將於教會舉行聚餐與聚會,歡迎參加。
  8. 紀牧師從上週四至本週三休假,有關教會事宜請與小會長老聯絡。