Bulletin 週報消息-07162017

  1. Pastor Chi will deliver the message in Mandarin every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month.
  2. The Session will meet today at 2pm.
  3. Mrs. Wan (Pastor’s Wan wife) wrote a letter of appreciation to our church for helping in their medical expenses.
  4. The Young Families Fellowship will meet this Saturday (22nd) for their Bible study at the church from 5-8pm.
  1. 本會每逢每月之第一,三,五主日,紀牧師將以華語傳講信息。
  2. 本主日2pm起將舉行小會會議。
  3. 聖路易恩光堂華人教會萬師母來信感謝本會兄姐們為她之醫療費用之用心,代禱與奉獻。
  4. 年輕家庭團契將於本週六(22日)5-8pm在教會舉行聚會,歡迎年輕家庭參加