STLTPC moves Sunday sermons to online until April 5th, 2020

Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, Sunday in-person worship and services are canceled at least until April 5th. A decision will be made soon about extending the Sunday services cancelation period. Sermon and Children’s Message will be published on our website. Links will be sent out through Line and Facebook. The move was announced by Pastor Aline, as well as the 2020 STLTPC Session and Board of Deacons.


Bulletin Announcements and Prayer Requests 週報消息與代禱事項 (03/22/2020)

  1. Mandarin Young Adult (MYA) fellowship will try to use Zoom for the coming Friday (3/20) prayer meeting and Sunday school. If you are interested to join, please contact the MYA chair, Mike.
  2. The young family fellowship (YFF) will use Zoom to host a prayer meeting on Saturday (3/21). If you are interested to join, please contact the YFF chair, Larry.
  3. The translation ministry needs your participation. If you have the calling or burden in the sermon translation ministry, please contact
    deacon Yu Hao.
  4. The Session will meet today (3/22) by Zoom at 1:00 pm.
  5. The Session has designated Yicheng Lee as a candidate to serve on the nomination committee for 2020.
  1. 華語社青團契將會嘗試在本週五(3/20) 禱告會和主日學中使用Zoom。如果您想要參與請聯絡本季社青主席 Mike。
  2. 年輕家庭團契將在本週六(3/21) 禱告會使用Zoom舉行禱告會。兄姐如若有興趣參加請聯絡YFF主席 Larry。
  3. 翻譯事工需要兄姐的參與。若有兄姐在翻譯事工有呼召、負擔,請和郝宇執事聯絡。
  4. 小會本日(3/22) 1:00 pm將用Zoom舉行會議。
  5. 今年小會安排李怡靜為 2020 提名委員會的成員。