No Church Services on Sunday (03/15/2020)

STLTPC officers have decided to cancel the Sunday church services on Mar. 15th because of COVID19. The recorded sermon and translation scripts are posted on our church’s website, please access the page to listen to this week’s sermon online. May God bless you all!

為避免新型冠狀病毒的傳播,本會長執決定取消本週教會禮拜與服事,預錄講道和翻譯文字在教會網站播放和呈現,歡迎點閱。 願主保守大家的平安!

Bulletin Announcements and Prayer Requests 週報消息與代禱事項 (03/15/2020)

  1. Praise the Lord! Pastor Aline’s surgery went well. Please continue to keep Pastor Aline in your prayers.
  2. The translation ministry needs your participation. If you have the calling or burden in the sermon translation ministry, please contact the worship committee deacon.
  3. The Powerpoint (PPT) ministry needs your participation. If you have the calling or burden in the Powerpoint (PPT) ministry, please contact the worship committee deacon.
  4. The MYA is currently away at retreats. May God watch over their safety and be present with them at all time.
  1. 感謝主, Aline 牧師的手術一切順利。請兄姐們繼續為為牧師的復原代禱。
  2. 翻譯事工需要兄姐的參與。若有兄姐在翻譯事工有呼召、負擔,請和崇拜組執事聯絡。
  3. 投影片事工需要兄姐的參與。若有兄姐在投影片事工有呼召、負擔,請和崇拜組執事聯絡。
  4. 社青團契本週末舉行靈修營與退修會。願主看顧兄姐出入安全,並時刻與他們同在。