
Children’s Ministry Director We are seeking a Children’s Ministry Director who loves Christ, with a mature Christ-centered faith and a conservative theology. Candidates should have a strong passion and love for children, families, and children’s ministry, and be committed to Biblical based teaching. They should also have a clear calling for full-time ministry and a heart for evangelism and outreach.   JOB SUMMARY This position is under the direction of…Keep Reading

2018 Christmas Celebration

Harvest/Trunk or Treat

內容 Content: 豐收節活動 HARVEST / Trunk or TREAT 時間 Time: 10/26, 4:30 pm 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會 各位弟兄姊妹們 平安,本會將在10月26日星期六4:30 – 8:00pm在教會舉辦HARVEST / Trunk or TREAT! 歡迎所有人一起來扮裝同樂!鼓勵大家發揮創造力裝扮您的後車廂。裝扮角色為光明正面不嚇人!請大家儘量帶沒有堅果的糖果或零食來發給小朋友。另外,您也可以設計小遊戲和小朋友玩,然後再給他們糖果。希望都能夠見到各位在當天晚上。 We will have our HARVEST/Trunk or TREAT for the kids on Oct. 26th Saturday 4:30 – 8:00 pm at our church! Come dressed in your costumes! Adults are welcome to dress up too! We encourage everyone to dress up as a positive costume, instead…Keep Reading

Easter Egg Hunt

內容 Content: 復活節採蛋 Easter Egg Hunt 時間 Time: 4/1, 1:00 pm 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

Easter Sunday

內容 Content: 復活節禮拜 Easter Sunday 時間 Time: 4/1, 10:00 am 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

Good Friday

內容 Content: 受難日特別聚會 Good Friday 時間 Time: 3/30, 7:30 pm 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

Palm Sunday

內容 Content: 棕樹主日禮拜 Palm Sunday 時間 Time: 3/25, 10:00 am 地點 Location: STLTPC 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

TPC Line Official Account

“太多群組消息是否會讓您不能專心每日靈修?又或者教會最新動態不能即時獲得?……” 聖路易台灣基督長老教會Line官方帳號已發布 不論您在何處,本會誠摯歡迎您加入我們的Line! 加入我們的官方帳號,您將會單獨 1 收到 每日靈修讀物(中文) 2 每個禮拜牧師講道 3 教會最新動態 4 分享或參與討論 and More… 5 1資訊將會獨立收到而非群消息(英文靈修資料尚在尋找中),讓您更能專心閱讀;2每天清晨(CST)會固定送出,讓早起的您也能靈修; 3每個主日(CST)會適時更新; 4教會活動發布與緊急消息通知; 5更多內容謹請期待… 點擊下方「Add Friends」按鈕加入我們!

Christmas Celebration Worship 聖誕節慶祝禮拜


時間: 9/30(週六)10:30 am 地點: Eckert’s Belleville Farm 建議攜帶用品: 水,削皮刀,濕紙巾,防曬用具,防蟲用具 聯絡信箱:

English Fellowship Gatherings

Fellowship introduction goes here (:


第四個禮拜團契內容簡介 (:


第二個禮拜團契查經內容簡介 (:


Mother’s Day 母親節

When: Where: How:

主日實體聚會取消 No In-Person Service on Sunday (01/05/2025)

The weather forecast for Sunday (1/5) is snow and sleet. Considering everyone’s safety, Sunday worship service will be online.